Thursday, February 22, 2007

Seedy business...over and done with.

*Finally* Presenting the Seed Stitch Jacket. Go ahead, click on it, it gets bigger...

It took long enough, I know, but when I say it is done, I mean done blocking, done sewing, done weaving in ends, done putting on buttons. Done. (And not a minute too soon, either, the book was due back at the library next week.)

I don't know if the word "hate" properly conveys the way I feel about the ribbon that I bought to embroidery the collar and sleeves. It is perhaps the worst idea that I've had since I decided to knit the jacket without adjusting the gauge. Remember? It snags on my fingers, it disappears into the knitting, it is ugly and I will not use it. I am going to wait to embroidery until I find something that I really do like. In the mean time, I don;t think that it looks undone with out it. I may even leave it as it is.

I had a bit of a problem fitting the collar to the neck, somehow I had several stitches more than I needed even though I had done the math. So I fudged a little. It is kind of ironic that the collar was the only part of the whole sweater that I didn't have any technical difficulty knitting. Anyway, I was supposed to line it up three stitches from the edges, but I managed to get right to the edge while I was sewing it one bar on the body, two on the collar. Plus I had to re-sew it about four times to make it work. It was ugly. I went to bed last night thinking that I may have to re-knit the sleeves and the collar. Luckily, I was wrong, and it all worked out ok. By the way, the sleeves fit perfectly, as if they were made for this sweater (hee hee).

Mimi looks lovely in her jacket, she actually has plenty of room to grow in it. She look a little like a linebacker, but I don't care. I love it, and love is blind. Here is some eye-candy.

Particulars of this sweater (if anyone reads this stuff):

Seed Stitch Jacket from Knits for Babies and Toddlers by Fiona McTague

Knit on size 4's in Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece

I am particularly proud of this sweater because it is my very first sweater (besides the hula girl sweater that I made a while back. It looks a lot better when it isn't stretched over a ukulele.) I learned a lot of new things about knitting whilst I made it, including how to make button holes, sew on a collar and how to seam seed stitch. Woo hoo. next on the needles? I want to make my grandma's felted slippers. I am going to go get materials and pattern tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

It is beeeuteeful, and looks so good on baby girl! You are so talented. Now I do want to knit other things besides hats and scarves.

Eri Stanton said...

Good job, Shamaree! The sweater is gorgeous!! I still have never made a sweater - did you just learn it from a book?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your accommplishment... (is that how you spell it...? I am the spelling bee caoch at schhoolll....)