Thursday, February 1, 2007

Ok, so, uh, ummmmmmm...

I cannot even begin to relate the pain to you. It is that harsh and that depressing. Let's just say that we will never again tempt the wrath of the gauge gods. After knitting for about fifteen hours, I have discovered that 1. Swatches are wrong, 2. I should have went with my original calculations, and 3. The sweater that I have worked nearly a third of is going to be too big. Well, too big might be an understatement. It is gargantuan...ginormous. It may fit me...if it were long enough. But seeing how the row gauge matched up, well, it might fit Gimli the dwarf better. I am so bummed, I will have to frog the entire thing and it most certainly won't be done for her birthday, but on the bright side, she can probably wear it before she turns five...or before she grows as wide as she is tall. Excuse me while I go stab myself in the eye with a size four adi turbo knit...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love frogging! I love almost finishing a project and then taking it completly apart and starting over! In fact I have a particular shawl that I am really considering doing completely over.