Friday, February 2, 2007

In the frog pond or Bad parent award

It took fifteen hours to create this:

(In case anyone cares, that is the entire back of a sweater, an entire 14 inches, right up to the shoulder shaping...)

It took five minutes to do this:

'nuff said.

We got B's hair cut today, and he was unhappy because I told them to take off the sideburns. After they were gone, he admitted that he liked the way they look on Andre the Giant, and that he felt like he looked like him with his sideburns on. Gotta love the nine year old self-image. I mean, the guy was like fifteen feet tall and wore lamb chops, but whatever. I felt bad, even though the hair cut was great and he looks so much less like an orphan...and speaking of orphans, two-year-olds do not mix well with nearly any public setting, least of all Goodwill. So I walked about twenty paces in front of the tear-mobile, otherwise known as the stroller while Jack and Mimi both screamed through the entire store. It was not lost on me that the dirty looks that I would have gotten for not being able to control my kids were looks of sympathy for my poor husband and his poor children. Why is that? It is so unfair. It was as if they were feeling like he was a widower or something, while I would have been labeled as a bad mom who had bratty kids. So irritating. I like to make people really uncomfortable when they give me dirty looks by saying in a very loud voice "Please quite crying, you're making that lady over there give me dirty looks. She won't stop staring at us until you are quiet, we don't want her to look at us any more, so stop crying so that she can mind her own business." That usually does the trick.

I am about to go and cast on an mere 92 stitches, which will remove a whopping four inches off the back of my sweater...don't look for me till Monday unless I can make some serious progress before then...

*By the way, I am not angry at the clerk form holly berry house. It is not her fault that I am an idiot and I certainly did have some idea that knitting involved math, she probably thought that I would have done it...Isn't it ironic that I chose a hobby that includes so much math, when I spent every year since kindergarten right up through college trying to avoid it. The universe always wins.

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