Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Laundry Fairy: ON STRIKE

I do not love doing laundry. I do it because I don't like the alternative, which is nudity. So I do it, and I do it often. Daily in fact. I am not a person who can spend one day a week on laundry, every day is laundry day around here. The men in my life seem to think that there is some kind of laundry fairy who flutters from room to room at night whisking away dirty laundry and replacing it with fresh folded laundry. In my attempt to squash the laundry fairy fallacy, I have done everything short of making everyone walk around naked to get the point. No one seems to get it. (Although J has gotten better about it, mostly...) So today, after taking a few days off of the laundry to care for the sick baby and now her sick brother, I decided to throw a load or two in and catch up. I noticed that most of the baskets in the house were full, and I was surprised. I mean, I know there are five of us, but it seemed that we had hit some kind of laundry vortex where clothes were dirty and I could not remember wearing them. It didn't hit me until I got to the bottom of my first laundry basket that we hadn't hit a laundry vortex. We had a hit a pass the buck vortex. See, someone, some person in this house who knows better simply threw dirty clothes on top of the clean and folded clothes. This person was assigned a chore years ago. I would sort, wash, dry and fold and he would put away. Who could have done such a thing? Well, I'll give you a hint, he is the only one in the house who can grow a beard...

*as a post script to the above post (can you post script a post??) I talked to J on the phone tonight and got after him about the dirty laundry on top of the clean laundry and he insisted that it couldn't be him. When I asked why, he said we both know he doesn't use the laundry basket, he just lets his dirty clothes pile up on his side of the bed. I am stumped...perhaps there is a dirty laundry fairy...


Anonymous said...

How could it be? You are the one to collect all the laundry and process the laundring of these clothes?? I do beleive in the laundry fairy. --J

shamaree said...

if you clap your hands and say "I do believe in laundry fairies" and pick up your dirty clothes and put away your clean clothes, the laundry fairy will live...

Anonymous said...

The laundry fairy comes to visit my house, but usually only in the daugheters room - no correction.... the son's room too... there are no agreements here on laundry duties... bummer!