Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Back off Me...

Or back handed compliment
or back to the future
or back in the high life
or back in time
Any one of those will anyone getting the theme here??

I finished the back of the baby jacket today. Yipee. I can only be the slightest bit bitter that I would have been done with both fronts by now if I hadn't had to frog the whole thing. But as I suspected, I am much much happier with the better version. Mimi is going to be looking dandy in no time. The fronts knit up much quicker, though there are two of them. Then the sleeves will probably be done at the same time to save me from "second sleeve syndrome". I am praying that the whole thing will be ready to be blocked and sewed by next week. I also picked out buttons today that are just so cute. I went with flowers because I figured that I might harvest them for something else when she outgrows the jacket. There were the sweetest baby faces inside of flowers, but I felt that they were a little too much. So, what do you think?? The pattern only calls for five buttons, so I will have one left over. Maybe I'll make a little hat and put it on it or something cute like that.

J went shopping for new shoes today, a couple of trips to Goodwill and he should be ready for work. I think the shoes are down right dapper. He is putting his best foot forward, ha ha . That's punny.

Ok, I must go knit. By the way, is it appropriate to post pictures of my children on a blog? I think that it may be, so look for Mimi's birthday portrait in the future, wearing a nice blue sweater...

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