Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Sole Searching

Anyone know what these are?
I gave you a hint in the title...
They are the soles of the Fiber Trends felted slippers that I am making for my grandmother. They are going to be a surprise for her, even though they conveniently fall in the same month that she was born. I am making them in Cascade 220, and so far they are a breeze. They are knit on size 13's, which is a bit like knitting with ski-poles after Mimi's sweater on 4's. As long as we are on a winter theme here, don't you think that they look like snow shoes? It has been a while since I felted anything, I made J's aunt a hat a few years ago, but I forgot how much I enjoy the hugeness of the knitting. I made these soles in about two hours. We had an unexpected trip to urgent care (when has anyone known that they would be going to urgent care anyway??) and I didn't want to get to the toe shaping on the foot and have to put it up and risk losing my place. So, I finished the first one and went ahead and cast on for the second one while we were there getting Jack's ear infection taken care of. I left the scissors at home, so I had to make J gnaw through the ends for me. What a sport! He likes my grandmother, other wise he probably would have made me wait till I got home, or ask the receptionist for her scissors. Speaking of scissors, he has the most spectacular pair of razor scissors for fly-tying. If they weren't so lethal, I might get a pair for my knitting bag. They slice through all types of yarn like budd-ah. I love them, but I really am disinclined to buy a pair for two reasons: 1 The cost; at $25.00 a pair, I am almost certain to lose, break or otherwise misuse them. 2. They are so sharp (hence the name razor) that I can't be digging around in my knitting bag and not expect to be stabbed at least a third of the time. I hate bleeding, so I will just continue to raid J's fly-tying desk until I feel that I can trust myself with a pair.
We had such a busy weekend that things are really coming undone around here. We had visitors, my mother-in-law and our wonderful friends, the Carvers from Los Alamos and then there was the trip to urgent care after a full two hour screaming jag the night before. I am exhausted!
The highlight of the weekend was when J and I went to dinner at Biaggi's and my mother-in-law kept the kids. It was so great, we had to really think about the last time that we had gone out as a couple without at least one kid. It was when I was pregnant with Mimi, so well over a year ago. The food was so delicious and we really enjoyed the whole evening. Biaggi's has a gluten-free menu, but we both agreed that we wouldn't ever take our kids to such a fine restaurant. I loved getting up and not having to clean under high chairs and not having to pack a bunch of snacks and toys before we left the house. We really need to get out more.
I started my Pilate's class after a week long hiatus while J adjusted his schedule and I have to say that I really missed it. I am back to where I started five weeks ago, having to relearn a lot of the stuff that I was finally getting a handle on, but it sure is good to be back! I also got my stroller wheels and I can go walking when the weather is nice. Like today...see ya.

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