Sunday, February 18, 2007

Birthday Frog

Here is Mimi opening her first birthday presents.
Here is Mimi eating her first birthday cake.
Here is Mimi looking really cute and adorable on her first birthday.
Here is Mimi wearing her first birthday sweater. Oops, notice that there is no picture of the birthday sweater? See how the "blue paradise" does not compliment her lovely olive complexion or set off the sparkle in her eyes? Note that she is wearing nothing hand made because her mom is a big loser who let her first birthday deadline blow by like so much breath on her birthday candle? Bad mommy.
My only defense is that she has been sick all week and extremely needy making it dang near impossible to get any knitting done. Seriously people, I can manage about one row an hour, if it doesn't let up soon, she'll probably outgrow it before I get it done. The other bad news is that I was doing both sleeves at the same time...I dutifully pinned them together so that I would know which direction I was knitting and things were going swimmingly...were is the nominative word here. At some point I decided I would count stitches to see how close I was to decreasing and I found that I had 48 stitches on one sleeve and 57 on the other. Huh. Then I counted rows, 21 rows on one sleeve and 25 on the other. Something was most definitely wrong. Any guesses? I must have knit one side at least four rows and four increases with out touching the other one. And all that pinning was supposed to stop that from happening. So, I frogged back to where I thought that I messed up and took one off. I also had some mishap where I shaped the neck on the shoulder side (rip rip rip), and I decided that I could space my buttons 1 1/2 inches instead of the 1 that the pattern called for and ended up messing up and having to rip back there too. Now I am mere inches from finishing the second sleeve and there should be collaring and sewing tomorrow...of course the sky could open up and a gigantic anvil could fall from the sky right on top of this sweater and I won't even be surprised. In fact, I will actually be somewhat surprised if this doesn't happen...could it be unsafe to dress my daughter in such an unlucky sweater?

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