Monday, February 12, 2007

I do believe that watching 24 may be hazardous to my health. (I can't say it does a lot for my knitting either.) I am compelled to watch. It is like a sickness. The only cure it to watch each week. I am watching against my will. What will I do when the season ends? I have the first season on hold at the library, I will systematically secure and view all episodes for each season until all the holes are filled and I know exactly has happened. I'll do Jack Bauer proud. There are six seasons, twenty four hours per season, so I should be caught up in...well, about three and a half work weeks. 144 hours. It is a huge undertaking, but it must be done. I am willing to undergo the pain and suffering that will most certainly plague this house during those long hours, but if I don't know what happens I WILL EXPLODE!!

Knitting is a mere diversion to occupy myself during the long days between episodes, but I have been making some progress. I am nearly done with the second half of the front, and I know that I predicted that I would be done by this evening (relax, I only have about five inches to go, and I have already decreased by a good amount) but Mimi has been extremely needy these last few days, which makes it hard to knit. It is really her fault that her birthday present won't be done, she has no one to blame but herself...I will start sleeves tomorrow. I also predicted that I would make a surprise birthday present, but in the interest of getting her bigger present done, it ain't gonna happen. I wanted to, but didn't get the book that I needed in time. Oh well. She'll get more use out of her jacket anyway.

One other thing, here is a good reason not to let Jack put his fingers in your mouth:


Eri Stanton said...

It's so hard when your kids are sick! Misa (we call her Mimi also) has been needy today, although she has been keeping liquid down, thankfully. My addiction is "Lost" & I think about it a lot on Wednesdays. I make sure that I'm in front of the TV at 10PM. Do you watch it?

shamaree said...

I only watch 24 because I would never get anything done if I had any other addictions. I tell myself that it is better than wathching day time television, though I am not sure that it is true. It haunts me all night long, so by tuesday morning, I am completely wothtless!

Anonymous said...

I love my nephew..... he's too funny. I love catching up with you......