Tuesday, January 30, 2007


A little lesson in "knit-ometry":

I can knit about one row in 12 minutes, the same amount of time that it takes me to read about 8 pages in a really engrossing novel. I can read about 200 pages in about 25 rows. I can watch an hour long episode of 24 in about five and a half rows. I can knit a row from the house to the mall, I can knit two to down town. About three rows will be knitted whilst J browses a fly shop. Each row is 1/10th of inch in height, 117 stitches is about 19.5 inches in length.

And this?

This is a lesson in toddler-ology:

This is the amount of trouble a 2 year old can make in about 1/2 a row, 58.5 stitches, 9 3/4 inches, 6 minutes, 4 pages, half way to the mall...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much of the yogurt went into said toddler. He did a wonderful job of trying to get it up off the floor.