Meet two year Jack.
His main event is the The Table-Top-Tornado. This event is characterized by the sticky type food that is all over the floor after "eating". To earn gold in this event, the food that is eaten by hand should land from one end of the kitchen to the other end of the dining room. The food must be impossible to sweep up and must dry a bit in order not to cake in the broom. While the said food is drying, and in order to maximize points, an unannounced visitor must show up. Extra points can be given if we can map his rout through the house by rice and spaghetti ground into the carpet. Jack is also training for the Pick and Flick Booger event and the Most Damage to an Upholstered Surface. Should be a nail biter finish!
Last to represent Team Mess is Mimi, who just celebrated her first birthday.
Don't let her small size fool you, she is a formidable opponent earning a medal in the Double- Fisted-Pull and Toss. This event is new to the Olympics and when Mimi plays, we ALL win. The name of the game is "chaos". She seeks out any semblance of organization (movies stacked neatly, toys put away properly, laundry folded in baskets). She then tosses items over her shoulder in rapid fire undoing any work that has been done before her. She earns extra points when she arranges small sharp items, say Thomas the Tank Engines or Matchbox cars in a seemingly random pattern and you walk across the floor only to find that it is completely unnavigable. The items are each a step apart. She has developed such a efficient technique that we think she may actually go professional after the mess-o-rama ends in our house. She also shows real talent in the Kleenex Shredding event and the High Chair Tray Wipe-Off. All exciting events.
Team mess will be training in my house, but they are a traveling team and they can easily train at any location. If you are interested in hosting them, arrangements can be made.