Monday, January 22, 2007

Feel the Burn...

Thank you for your kind reception to my newest endeavor. I am touched that you all care, and are interested. I will continue to send out my news letters, and no one will be asked to knit anything, but if you are so inspired, all the better!

Guess what I did? I went forth and got myself a library card. There is a pretty snappy system here where I can go online and reserve any book from any library in the city and they will deliver it to my local neighborhood library in no time flat. So Saturday night found me all over the knitting section looking through books, killing a little time and getting some personal space.

I picked up the Yarn Harlot's Knitting Rules and laughed till I cried over her first sweater story. I read her blog daily and she is so funny, but I opted for Pressure Cookers for Dummies and Mason-Dixon Knitting last year for my birthday Amazon gift certificate. I assumed that her books would just be an extension of her blog, so I went with something with colorful pictures and a very handy Dummies book. So anyway, she is really funny and I now know that I will be adding her book to my collection. She has several out, but that is the one that I really want. I picked out a pattern from one of the books that I checked out, I know, I know, I said that I would be knitting felted clogs for my grandmother, but my Mr. put the smack down on a trip to the yarn store...Sooo, I was thinking of working on a little sweater for Miss Mimi's big 01. I do have a goodly amount of Lamb's Pride left over from a phenomenal thrift store purchase last year. Fifteen skeins for fifteen bucks! It was as if the knitting gods smiled happily on me and I snatched it up, before the luck was reversed. Seeing how I am using a different yarn than called for, I will be forced to check gauge and that will be a test if my character and a test of how well I follow my own rules...

Speaking of thrifty buys, has anyone checked out It is a local trade, barter and thrift shop online. It is awesome because you can buy locally and not have to pay shipping like on E-bay, because you pick up your purchases. Check it out.

In other news, I started doing a little working out to to try to get into shape, and starting tomorrow, I am going to be doing Pilates twice a week with my new neighbor. I am pretty excited, but a little nervous as I can only do about fifteen minutes of my tape, and I am supposed to do an hour for the class. Starting little right? I may not be able to move tomorrow afternoon, but I am looking forward to feeling like I am doing something for myself. It should be a nice way to start my day, if it doesn't kill me!

So, I can't upload any pictures, but tomorrow, if all the bugs are worked out, I can show off the pictures of the sweater I am going to start this week. Stay tuned!

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