Wednesday, January 24, 2007

What the Spank!

Errrrrr. I spent a good amount of quality time writing a post and hit publish and...and nothing. That's what! I might just be irritated enough to not update today...But that I have been working so hard on stuff and wanted to tell you all about it. I uploaded pictures, I told of missing cameras and ugly warshrags, sore muscles and screwed up gauge swatches. This is very nasty business, this missing blog stuff. In my confusion and disgust, I logged off the entire Internet and read my new library book, spent time cursing and ranting, logged back on and it really gone. Really really. I hesitate to work too hard lest the whole ugly scene be repeated again. If this works, look for more this evening or more probably, tomorrow, otherwise, look for headlines about woman running screaming through the neighborhood with a severly injured hard drive being dragged behind her...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Shamaree, As a harddrive anger suppression tech myself (this through many hours of counseling), I must applause your constraint in the treatment of your had drive and it's more sensitive components. You show a wisdom beyond your age. As a person who has not been able to master that same self discipline I am ashamed to admit to the hard drives now out on the street and homeless because of my own selfish anger. Cudo's to you
Uncle Joe