Thursday, March 1, 2007

Guess Who's Back?

Look who I found creeping around the coat closet this morning. The Alien Illusion Scarf from Stitch N' Bitch that I knit for B a few years ago. I made it before I realized how poorly children treat their woolens. The very day that he wore it the first time, it came home fairly dripping in Elmer's glue. I re-washed and re-blocked it and the very next night he lost it. When I asked him what he did with it, he said it was lost and that he guessed that I would have to knit a new non-knitters take heed, those words are like poison darts shooting into a knitter's ears. We found it and he wore it the rest of the winter and it pilled and rolled in on itself and the fringe dread-locked and the alien was all but invisible, and that is the state that I found him in this morning. I decided that I would see what blocking could do for him, though I wasn't hopeful. I should have taken a picture pre-blocking, but the thing was in such bad shape that I was afraid of incriminating myself, and that I would find out the hard way that the Yarn Harlot is wrong and there really are knitting police....It really was a crime, the way the poor thing was treated. Anyway, he is happily blocking on the guest bed (if you stay at my house and you smell wet sheep, now you know why) and he should be wearable by tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha -- funny story!! I had knit K a scarf last year - one of my first projects... where is it? Nobody knows!