Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Back to the empty nest...

Have I been in a blog-slump or just a knitting slump? Neither, really, but I had my mom visiting for a few days and I am behind on everything, not just knitting. You know how it is when you have company. Things get neglected so that you can enjoy your visitors, and when they leave, well, things look bad. It looks like I hosted a band of vikings for the week, so I have to clean up, and I haven't even read any mail or anything.
My mom treated B and me to see Night at the Museum at the Imax theater last night. It was amazing. I've never really paid attention to things like in a movie. But when they are roughly the size of a semi truck, I notice. I noticed jewelry on the characters, I thought of things like hand knit sweaters and how precise you would have to follow patterns so that you wouldn't see mistakes on the big BIG screen. I remember reading about the woman who hand knit all the sweaters for Harry Potter, and how they all had to be identical (she would knit several of each one) and I thought, who cares if they are all exactly the same? How would you even notice? Now I know, any difference would stand out like a sore thumb on a screen that big. It really would make a difference. Another modern marvel...Imax movies. I have to tell you, my minuscule tv screen looks even smaller today. I may never watch a movie in a regular theater again.
Knitting is slow slow slow today. I am trying to make some progress on B's slippers, and then I want to start some socks, and another sweater. What will I do? I usually have a rule about finishing one project before beginning another, but knitting is somewhat different. I can have different things for different times. When I go to open knit, it is smart to have something that is easy (like, say, hundreds of miles of seed stitch) so that I can "chitter" and not have to think too hard about what my hands are up to. When I am travelling, I like to carry around something portable, a sock usually, but sometimes a hat. Then there are the hours and hours of free time that I have at home (not the sarcasm?) where I work on bigger projects, like blankets or things that are more precise, like lace. Now that I am back into a productive knitting swing, I don't mind casting on things when others aren't done. I concentrated solely on Mimi's sweater due to time constrictions, but now that my grandmother's slippers are done, I might make more than one or two things to break up the monotony. But then again, there might be something to this one project at a time knitting. I might actually finish things that are started.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your blog...truly I do. Sorry I don't comment more. Why does that seem to be a chore...Hmmm...maybe it would be worth looking into ya think?