Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Is summer over yet??

I need a vacation from summer vacation. We are so tired and over-traveled that all I can dream of is laying in bed till eight o'clock on a Saturday and not having to be anywhere at all. Since July, we have only been home for one weekend that I can think of. We keep saying that we will settle down now that school has started, and then we run off again. I plan to stay home until Thanksgiving, and maybe even longer if neither of our families are around for turkey-day. In the past, we have spent every other Christmas with my family or J's, and Thanksgiving at the other place, but then suddenly, my parents started a new tradition of flitting off to here or there and abandoning us all together. So for the last five or more years, Thanksgiving has been with friends or at J's parents. Then, suddenly, they started traveling on Thanksgiving too. And since moving, we really don;t have many friends who are willing to feed us. Poor us, I've never even baked a turkey, and if I live a hundred years, I probably never will. All of my childhood memories surrounding this holiday consist of a turkey being put in the oven at some ungodly hour and the host of the dinner being so tired by the time the dang bird is ready that she can't even keep her eyes open and nods off into her mashed potatoes. Well, maybe not that tired, but you get my drift. Sooo, unless someone takes pity on us and decides to cook for us, we will be eating turkey sandwiches and watching football (well, J will, I'll probably read a book or knit.)

Speaking of knitting...
The nice thing about itty bitty hats is that they are knit for itty bitty heads and they are quick to make. Even with all the traveling and stuff going on lately, I've managed to complete two whole hats and I am casting on another one this morning. I've got to get a move on, because my friend is due pretty soon, and tends to have early babies. But, just for fun, I'll give you a preview of two of the trio and when I'm done with the other one, I'll take a picture of it too. For some reason, my kids have been obsessed with these hats, especially the upside down daisy hat. Mimi tries to wear it and cries when I take it away from her.

Right now, I am reading Jane Eyre and nursing a smallish head cold. I am not necessarily blaming the book, she is a very descriptive author and I am a highly suggestive personality. The descriptions of freezing rain and drafty halls may have gotten to me...
I am also trying to catch up on the pile of laundry that is taller than my eldest child. How does that happen?
One more thing to update you on...Now I know that I had a goal of running three miles before summer ended...So, I am trying to get out and run more. I ran a little over two miles with out even dieing on Saturday, and I have been running with the jogging stroller when I can. I have a little less than three weeks till the fall equinox and I am still trying to make it. So there you go.


Anonymous said...

I have NEVER nodded off over my mashed potatoes. I do not like Thanksgiving however, cause it is so much stinking work to have everybody sit down and gorge and it's all over in an hour! I wanna knit something cool,and am working on a scarf, which isn't so cool really but knitting none the less.

shamaree said...

Everything you knit is cool