Monday, April 16, 2007

Why not me?

I am sitting here at the computer in complete silence. Mimi is fast asleep, and Jack is playing at the neighbors. The vacuuming and dishes are done, clothes are spinning in the dryer, I still have a room to clean (my own) but I am just sitting here listening to nothing. Glorious silence. It doesn't happen very often in this house. And it can't last. So I will quickly update you on my life before I go on and do some more laundry:

Katja is coming along. I have made and connected both cups (though, for a small baby, I hesitated to call them "cups", maybe there is a better term out there, I'll be thinking of one) and have about eight rows into the body. Not speedy knitting by any means, but it is being knit in the loll between projects that I am excited about. I also loathe knitting acrylic on bamboo, it catches and it feels like I am knitting on fly paper or something. But it should be done pretty soon.

I also stabbed myself in the foot with a size zero sock needle yesterday. Or should I say pierced? I am fairly certain that it made exit from another hole before I jerked my foot out and cursed like a sailor. Ow. Not pretty.

Saturday, I tried something new and something that I swore I wouldn't ever do. I ran with my neighbor. And I didn't hate it. Weird. For the last fifteen or so years, I've told myself and anyone who would listen that I couldn't run. That I was not a runner and that I would only run when something was chasing me (never). But then my friend took up marathon running and she said something to me that made me think. She said she had always said she couldn't run either, and then she got this letter asking her to train for a marathon, and she said "not me..." after some thought, she said "Why not me?" and it changed the way she felt about her self. Well, I am not exactly going for marathon training, but it makes me realize how self-defeating my thought process can be. Why not me? Because I never gave myself a chance, that's why. J, don't look for me at the runners nest or what ever it is, but the fact is, I'm thirty now. I have to make up for some of the fun that I had in my twenties...none of it healthy... And I really do want to do something that I never thought I could do. 1/2 mile today, tomorrow, the world! Or 3/4 of a mile, anyway.

One other positively exciting thing, I am going to visit Chicago with a friend this summer for a few days! Yippeee. I've never been there and I can't wait!

Well, the dryer just stopped, and that means that I have to get going. Enjoy your Monday...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once again, I find your postings witty, touching and makes me feel so blessed to be able to call you mine. Your #1