Thursday, March 4, 2010

So, here's the dish.....

Despite the lack of blogging going on around here, except for Juan, who is a surprisingly dedicated blogger, there are many, many things that I would love to share. I just don't seem to find or make the time to get online and do it. So, I'll give you a quick, somewhat cronological account of what has been going on en mi vida loca:
1. Thanksgiving was a smash, we shared it with friends and family in Alburqurque and the family representin' the East coast. I am still trying to lose that five pounds that was gained from all the wonderful food.

2. Christmas was the best ever. My mom, my brother and his wife (along with a dog disguised as a horse, or was it the other way around) came on the 23rd (my mom's birthday) and stayed till the 27th. Buddy and Cinder (the dog-horse) played non-stop and we got to catch up on all our lost time since July. We celebrated B's 12th birthday, which is more unbelievable than the eleven before it! Where does the time go? We got the kids a Wii for Christmas, and my brother, wife and my mom got our family a Wii Fit. It is more fun than I had planned on, even Juan gets in on the Punch Out and Wii sports...
Traditional tamales, posole, and chili set in Juan's grandmother's bowls
set the table, everything was perfect.

3. On Christmas Eve, our computer took a hard crash, basically destroying the hard drive and shutting down our lives for a few weeks. But Juan's friend was able to get it all straightened out (though all the files were a mess, named computer names and numbers) and we were up and running again. Apparently, tracking Santa, uploading cd's to itunes and adding a high-def video to vimeo all at the same time can really do some terrific damage, should a breaker happen to trip in the middle of it all. Who knew?

4. My kids went to NM for a week during Christmas break and Juan and I were home alone for the first time in at least six years...we actually saw a movie, had dinner out and just hung out watching the house stay clean. It gives me hope that when our kids are older and are gone from the house more regularly, we will still enjoy each other's company and will want to hang out together.

5. Over the last weekend of January, my best friend and I went to Buena Vista for our second annual knitting retreat with the same group of ladies as last year, minus a few, adding a newbie. We had a great time relaxing and enjoying the beautiful scenery, checking out each other's new yarns & patterns, and drooling over the selection in the LYS (yeah, I'm that cool, I use an acronym for local yarn store). I didn't buy a new purse this year, as the one that I spent a pretty penny on last year didn't hold up too well. I bought Son of Stitch & Bitch instead and plan to make the boys a Luchador mask each, and maybe one for Mimi too, if she needs one. It will be Nacho Libre 24/7 around here until it gets too hot for acrylic ski masks.

6. Valentine's day brought another year for our Mimi. She is four now, going on more like 14. We have a bonafide princess on our hands, and as much fun as it is, it leaves me scratching my does this happen? She asked for roses for her birthday! What a girly-girl!We celebrated with cake and few presents (music, coloring book, and some very neat pens) then the next week brought packages from her aunt and uncle, and one from my baby sister and mom. Each was full to the brim of all things girly and pink. We
ended up celebrating all week long!

7. Monday March 1: After much irritation, angst and another issues, we got a new
computer...and not just any old computer, we got a mac. The last pc we got, I vowed never again to buy another pc. Juan disagreed, apparently he was happy with frozen screens, hours wasted waiting for things to load, crappy technical support, constant updates...I tell ya, if I added up all the time I've spent cursing dell for the past nine, it would probably have equaled a part time job. Then this fall, Juan got an awesome new video camera, which was really not being utilized. He also ended up with a great digital camera that he was just learning to use when the computer decided that it was done. So we did the research, and made the right decision! I am in love with this computer, it is amazing.

So, now you are up to date on the comings and goings of this wannabe blogger. If things go well, and I feel the need to keep sitting here at the computer for 8 hours a day, I might even blog again! We shall see.


craftivore said...

Welcome back! It seems like it was a good few months for you despite the computer woes. Totally a mac person here, can't imagine ever having to work on a PC.

shamaree said...

Yes, it was a while. I don't make enough time for blogging, even though I do enjoy it when I do!