Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bad Apple

Remember the old adage: Blasters don't kill people, Stormtroopers kill people? The same could be said for imac making me into a horrible parent, wife, knitter, and dog owner. Logically, I know if I exercised an ounce of self control, I could get off the computer and break the spell, but it is so much easier and helpful to blame the computer. I feel like I stumbled upon the isle of Circe, this thing is strangely intoxicating, it causes time to pass by very quickly, but with out my noticing. Suddenly, hours have gone by, my coffee is cold, the kids are hungry, I haven't been outside since early March, laundry has piled up past the point of no return, and here I am, still in my pajamas, trying to find the end of the internet. It's not as if I'm doing anything truly constructive, unless you count reading other people's blogs, youtube and self portraits on photo-booth constructive. The verdict is still out, as far as I'm concerned, but Juan would beg to differ. He believes productivity would come from cooking a hot meal, making the bed...showering. Yikes, he sure has high standards for his stay-at-home-mom-wife. The argument could be made that he brought the mac home in the first place, so really, it is his fault. And the cycle starts again, blasters and Stormtroopers, apples and sloths.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The internet is an addicting thing for sure. There is all the information you could ever want. And one site just leads to more questions to be answered and more interesting sites to be found. A lesson in moderation and self control! M