Thursday, June 18, 2009

Summer in full-force

We are about to end a 2 week travel hiatus when we board a plane early Monday morning, headed toward Virgina to see those people that we love out east. The kids are so excited to be riding a plane, and I'm excited to see a part of the country that I've never been, and some family to boot. We plan to go to DC for a few days to take in some sights there as well. I'm hoping to get the kids on the new playground equipment at a certain Pennsylvania address, and maybe get some fresh produce from their garden while I'm at it. How do you think it will go over? Do you suppose they are more strict about letting people play on their swing set than they are about their airspace??
We spent the first week of summer vacation in New Mexico, visiting our dear friends in Los Alamos and making up for lost time. The kids and I went down for a brief visit over Thanksgiving break, but it was really too short to see everyone and get to spend quality time with each of my friends. This visit was so refreshing and wonderful. We stayed with a family that has become family to us, and we enjoyed a week of staying up late, getting up early, eating a thousand wonderful foods and really, just catching up. It was great, I was zonked, and when we got back to the rancho, our fabulous Albuquerque cousins were there to greet us. It is always so nice to see the kids play with their cousins, and they all get along so great. It is always a special time, and of course I have no pictures, because that is how I seem to vacation. But imagine all the giggling, swinging, running, bed-jumping, ice cream eating, lap-sitting, kid silliness that you can cram into a single day, and you will have a pretty good idea of how things went. We had planned to stay for a few days, but by Sunday night, Jack came to me with his eyes welling with tears and asked if he could just go home. Of my three, he is the one who emotes the most, so I decided it was about time. When I asked B, he said he was really missing his dog, so we packed the car and off we came to surprise Juan 2 days early.
Here is a warning: never surprise a man who has lived as a bachelor for over a week. You wouldn't like to see the state of my kitchen when I got home. I knew that his intention was to fish until his shoulders gave out as often as possible, then collapse in a heap on the couch each night. Apparently, housework didn't figure into that plan until the very last night before, or more likely, the very early morning of my return. Let's just say he doesn't do proactive housework. But it behooves me to call ahead, even when kids want to surprise someone, otherwise, you never know what you might find rotting in the sink when you get home.

We have been enjoying the backyard, which finally has some grass, the kids spent the afternoon out there running in the sprinkler. It looks so much better, and it has really cut down on the dirt that comes into the house. I really love this house, and there is great potential in the backyard, as you can see.
We have a tree that has an aphid problem, but the good part of having aphids is all the ladybugs that are here, there are so many, and if you spend time up-close watching, you can actually see some of them devouring the pesky things. It is worth watching. The kids are as impressed as I am.

This is the Hawthorn tree in full bloom the week before I left, it was so beautiful. There are no blooms left now that it has really turned from spring to summer, but they were a sight to see while they lasted.
If I remember my camera, and then remember to actually use it, there may be a few pictures of our next trip. Until then, keep well, and keep cool. Summer is upon us!


Anonymous said...

This is my FAVORITE internet stopping place. You can spray water on the aphids every day. But then you might wash away all the busy ladybugs too. It is one way to get them under control though.

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