Sunday, July 27, 2008

Things I wish I knew in college

1. How to knit
2. That if I bought art and furniture a little at a time, I would have a house full of things I love by now
3. That dieting doesn't work, but exercising does
4. That all the money that was handed to me in student loans would take almost all of my adult life to pay off
5. How to budget so I could retire by fifty
6. How to design a webpage, and make millions inventing by e-bay
7. That true love doesn't hurt
8. That God is real
9. That thirty was only ten short years away
10. That ten years would fly by in a flash
11. How to swim
12. That "can't" is the most defeating word I've ever uttered
13. How to manage my time
14. That working toward a doctorate would have been a good idea
15. That a master's degree would have helped my get better jobs, and wouldn't have taken too much longer
16. How to communicate my wishes to others
17. That jelly shoes and skinny jeans would someday be back in style
18. That family is really, really important
19. That there are things that I will have to explain to my children
20. That after 18, the world expects you to act like an adult
21. That I would end up one of those annoying advise-giving people
22. That force-feeding company is a sign of love
23. That a husband is a helpmate AND a best friend
24. That I was made with a purpose
25. That parenting is not for the feint of heart
26. When to shut up
27. When to keep talking

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