Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Of iTunes and funny bunnies

Ok, you all know how much I love my iPod, there is no doubt that it is the greatest invention of all time and I think it has done more to unite the human race than any amount of foreign diplomacy or humanitarian aide. All hail the amazing iPod. But seriously, I do love the iPod. I don't, however, love the iTunes. It just erased every spanking song on my iPod. How? I have no idea, nor do I care. What I care about is user-friendly software that I can't screw up. iTunes is irritating to me, therefore I hate it. But enough of that.
We are getting ready to go to Springer for the long Fourth of July weekend. I love it when a holiday falls on either a Monday or a Friday. The best is when Christmas Eve falls on a Wednesday because no one has to work on the Friday after Christmas, usually. It is a pleasing situation when a person has a five day weekend. So, we are off to the rancho for some fun and some work. Although, getting together with family is always fun, so even when we are working, it hardly seems like it. Now that Jack Jack rides a 2 wheeler, he gets to rub elbows with the big boys all weekend, and I am looking forward to not having to watch him like a hawk in our front yard the whole time he is on his bicycle. B insists that he will be staying for a month, but I have my doubts that he will hold up that long. I give him 2, maybe 2 1/2 weeks before homesickness gets the best of him. Though, he may surprise me. The other day, I asked him if he thought I was a mean mom and he said "mostly" so he might need a break from me. I need a break from the constant fighting that goes on in our house. I feel like a prison warden most of the time when they play, because playing for them involves a lot of wrestling and crying, and tattle-tailing. And it seems that the more they fight, the less they want to be apart. Weird.
So, in knitting news, you will be glad to know that there has been a completed object, and a new one on the needles. Check out the swatch bunny. The pattern actually calls it the knitted bunny, but I like the fact that you can make it out of a little gauge swatch, isn't it realistic? And cute?
Oops, that IS a real bunny. There are about a zillion of them living in our neighborhood. Here is the knitted bunny:
That cute little bunny came from this simple square of fabric, no bigger than four inches across. If you didn't feel like knitting, I'll bet you could make one out if a wash cloth or some other square piece of material. It has caused no shortage of tears between my children since there are three of them, and only one little bunny. So I had to cast on another for Jack, but it had to be pink. B requested an alien bunny with three heads and five ears. I don't know how that will work out. Probably not very well. Here is a shot of our tomato plants, which have grown about a foot since I took this picture last week. Yay, tomatoes.

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