Friday, February 22, 2008


Looks like Blogger is back online with spelling AND photos. Hooray.

So, here is the finished Nonibag that I started about a month ago. I am taking it to Denver to my friend's top-loading washer to felt it, then she will keep it because it belongs to her. I was just using her wool and her pattern to make it. She gave them to me back when I was sitting around for a few months, and I just now finished it. (Walking around and being a wife and parent has really cut into my knitting time) The flower is done with leftover Cascade 22o from some felted slippers that I made last winter, and the bag itself is done with Lambs Pride chunky. Both the bag and the flowers were done on 13's and it took 3 skeins for the bag, less than a skein for the flower. I don't know the exact amount since I used left-overs, but I can tell you that the blue color was about 1/2 a skein because that is about how much I had. I had less of the lime, and I personally would have preferred to do it as the larger part, just because I love that color. Remember my Fixation angel's rest socks? They are about the same color, and I am using the leftovers from that for some baby booties, which I will post about with photos later, since my camera on the river today...

Speaking of cameras, did you notice the clarity and precision in the above photos? Well, we finally got our new camera. The old one, a Kodak Easyshare that we got the very week before Jack was born, gave up the ghost a few weeks ago. I'm actually surprised at how long it lasted. Nearly four years, and I loved how easy it was to use. I am not much of a photographer, you may have noticed, so I needed a camera that just points and shoots. J tirelessly researched for weeks and we finally settled on a Canon something or another. (I'll give you more details when I see it and can tell you exactly what it is.)

All I care about is that I can take quick pictures when the kids are being cute: and I can zoom in close to get pictures of my knitting: J needed 1cm macro (whatever that means) to take close-ups of his flies. See?
By the way, that is a Hot -Wired Prince Nymph. J ties those. He ties a lot of other stuff too, see?

And he is a much better photographer than I. Maybe I should have him taking pictures of the knitting for me, I'll have to talk to him about that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My Only Sunshine,

That is the cutest picture of that little boy! Oh ya and the bag is cute too...I forgot what the completed picture looked like.