Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Commitment Issues

So, last week, I joined a gym. How very urban of me, I know. The rub is, I had to join for two years. Two years people! Jack will be in kindergarten, B will be in middle school, Mimi will be dressing herself and in preschool. I will be two years older and hopefully, several million dollars richer. All that to say, I finally know what it must have felt like for J to get married. It is one thing to use a trial membership, to try all the fancy equipment, to even imagine being super fit and using the gym three to five times a week. It is another thing to actually sign the papers, for better or worse. Commitment IS a scary word. But I did it, and I have gone two times already. My arms feel like they were stretched on the rack, and I nearly collapsed on the elliptical machine, (nearly) but I went! And whats more, I plan to go back again. Unfortunately, knitting needles are too heavy to pick up for my rubber arms, so there is no knitting to report upon. Well, that isn't entirely true. I signed up for a Raverly invitation, so that is something knitterly. And I finished the tiny baby booties, and gave them away before I got a picture. I also made a trip to Denver a few weeks ago and while I was there, I actually felted the Nonibag and then we popped over to Purls of Wisdom, a new and oh-so-loverly knitting shop. I picked up some beautiful Brown Sheep Handpaint Original, and some chocolaty brown Berroco Bonsai. I have no idea what I will make, I thought a scarf of the Berroco, and the owner had a couple of hand-warmers made out of the Handpaint that are cute, but I am not sure that I would use them. I just don't want to commit to anything...

I have looked all over creation (or at least the small piece of it that I frequent) and I can't find my super-cute cloche hat that I made back in December. I never knit for myself, but I really wanted a cloche-like hat, so I made it and wore it and lost it, all before I got a picture of it. I am not sure I have it in me to make another one, and chances are, the minute I bind it off, I'll find the other one.

I bought this new hoodie-jacket a few weeks ago that is knit, and has a really great shape, and cute details that made it my new favorite...except that it pills really badly, being made of 100% acrylic. So I pulled out my handy-dandy fabric shaver to take care of those unsightly pills and I managed to cut it, not once but three times! Usually I pitch the extra thread that is always attached to clothing directly into the trash because I have never needed it before, but the force must have been with me when I brought that hoodie home, because I kept the little two foot length of thread. And low-and-behold, I used it to fix those holes and while I'm no good at mending, at least I saved it from the Good-Will heap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The best thing to use is a fabric shaver. These little things come in real handy.