Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Oh Snap! Part 2

This week will be a guest blogger. It is J, the wonderful husband of Shamaree. I am filling in for my wife because of a recent accident that she had. On Friday 10/19 she was in Denver with B and a friend and her daughter to go ice skating. I got a call from her saying that she had fallen and hurt her knee. She was unable to come home that night and spent the night in Castle Rock with her friend. The next day she somehow got in the car and drove home, picked me up and we went to the urgent care center to find out that she had broken her knee cap! Yea, like that only happens in mobster and gang movies doesn't it? "I am going to bust both your knee caps!" So now she has to see a specialist on Monday and he schedules surgery on Tuesday. She has the surgery on Tuesday and everything goes well. Now she has some wire holding together her knee cap and cannot walk, popping pills to keep the pain away. She is not able to get on the computer, which is downstairs, but she has been able to do some knitting, although she has complained about being unable to obtain the right materials to knit.
Hopefully she will be able to scramble down the stairs shortly to update this blog with all the new projects she has been doing and to tell her side of the story. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers as she takes the time to heal. She will be in a knee brace for about 8 weeks.

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