Wednesday, May 2, 2007


There is some debate in the knit-blog world about which is better, a short row heel or a heel flap. Now, I have no idea what the difference is, but I'll tell you what, turning a heel is nothing short of magic. It has been a while since I made a pair of socks, so I have had a slow go at this one, but now that I am done with the heel, I am on my way (barring some disaster...) to actually finishing a piece of knitting, I feel that I can blog about it. And I when I successfully turned the heel this morning, I couldn't have been more pleased with myself if I had just spun straw into gold. Pure bliss I tell you, The heel is what makes sock knitting so much fun, besides the self stripping yarn which keeps me endlessly intrigued.

I have also made *some* progress on Katja, though not much, no bother with the rain this week. This weekend would have been lovely weather for it, but alas, it just wasn't done. And I am ok with that. Next week maybe? You'd think that I could turn out 12 inches of stockinette stitch with out much incident, but I just don't feel a pressing need to finish it. So there is the long short of it...literally.

I rode up to Denver this weekend with a friend and the two smallish-type kids whilst J and B went fishing. It was loads of fun to hang around looking at all the things that J is not interested in. We also had an adventure on the Light Rail because Jack is such a train enthusiast. He was thrilled, he has been asking for months to "go dember, tee trains." All trains end up in Denver as far as he is concerned, it was the cheapest train ride in the world and he thought it was as exciting as riding Thomas himself! Unfortunately I don't have any pictures, but here is one to distract you.

That is B out there fly-fishing, doesn't he look grown up??

** AS a side note, some one asked me why I use "J" and "B" for thing one and thing two and then go and say Jack and Mimi, and the answer is that I don't have one, I thought that I was being clever. Good enough? Probably not, but there you go.

Mimi is walking so much now that I fear my days of her being content to crawl around the living room are numbered. She is already into everything, and since she climbs too, she has easily been my hardest non-walker, so it should be a whole new ball of wax (yarn??) when she starts walking full time. There will be no containing her, she can crawl under, climb over or run through any attempt at fencing her in!
Here are a few more pictures to keep the grandparents happy, and for visual interest...

Any tips on how to keep a almost-toddler from pulling her hair clips (and consequently her hair) out and looking like a sheep dog??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I adore my grandkids, and don't think I'm being partial in saying they are the best looking. I'm sure other grandparents look at them and wonder why theirs aren't as sweet and cute.