Monday, May 7, 2007

Of socks and books and tracks

Oh, the things that I have to share with you, whoever you are...

Firstly, I finished my sock, hence-forth known as the HP4 sock, because it was knit whilst I read the fourth book of Harry Potter. I am preparing in earnest for the release of movie five AND the seventh and final book this summer by rereading the last three books. There may be a movie-a-thon in the works too. I get cramps every time I think about such momentous occasions. I am dieing to find out what happens in the book, (I have my ideas, and in the past, my ideas have been pretty off,) so I am thrilled to see how the series ends, but a little sad too, because it will be the last time that I read a Harry Potter book for the first time. I reread them about once a year, but this is the end. The. LAST. One. I can't believe that it is over. There is a Harry Potter knitting book out, (Charmed Knits)and if I get a spare ten, I am going to buy it up and knit Harry Potter things for my Potter loving friends and family.** you know who you are, don't be surprised if you get a Sorting Hat in your stocking this Christmas... **

So,with out further ado, I give you Harry Potter sock # four: Four because I was reading book four, not because it is one of four. The next sock will be number five...and I'll give you all the other information when I finish it. Look at that heel, it couldn't have been more right if it had been transfigured from a loaf of bread...

Now, for those of you who don't knit, I am no knitting genius, nor do I know any magical Potter-ish incantations, the yarn does that striping and pattering itself. It just makes me look really smart and magical, and I can use all the help I can get.

The thing that drives me crazy about hand knit socks is the way the toe looks so pointy. I actually adjusted the number of stitches before I grafted the toe, and it still looks like it would fit a house-elf...(I can't help but throw in all these HP references, it is my schema, and if you don't know what I'm talking about, you really need to read the books. )But look at it on. It really works, and it feels like a hug on my foot. I already cast on the second one this morning, and technically, it would be known as "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants book four sock," but when have I ever been technical? And besides, I just finished it this morning, the book that is. It came from the library on Saturday night, and I finished it this morning, quick read, and I really liked it, though it left me wanting more. I love those books, and I've been waiting for about two months to get it, so when I read it so fast, it was a little anti-climactic. Has anyone else read them? I really love the story and it is such a fun concept, how could I not? I give the series a B+. Good in all the right places, but not too deep. Not entirely junk-food for the brain, but not quite as complex as, say, a Power bar either. Just right. A healthy snack. I'm satisfied, but I didn't spoil dinner.

Now, does anyone want to guess what these are? Remember making your plaster or tempera-paint on construction paper hand print as a kid? There was always a little poem which was some variation of "Don't forget that I am growing up and all my little hand prints will annoy you now, but you'll wipe them away and my hand will grow and you'll miss it and wish that you had it still all cute and tiny." This is JackJack's version. "These are my train wheel tracks that I made in the carpet and isn't it the cutest thing you've ever seen to come downstairs and find them all over like a little trail behind me where I crawled all over playing? Don't you wish you didn't have to vacuum them away and could keep them forever?" I do, I do. If I could bronze them, I would, they are so sweet.
Here is a kid who REALLY loves his trains. He crashed out playing with them the other day, waiting for me to get off the phone.
My ankle is healed, oh happy day, so I went "running" this morning. Actually, I just sort of wussed out and didn't really give it my best, so I don't know that it technically counts as running. Maybe more like moping? Send me your happiest jogging thoughts for Wednesday. I don't want to hurt myself again, so I need them...


Anonymous said...

I just want you to know I check this mostly daily! So someone is really looking at it. Cause know what? You are my sunshine and all that!

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for my sorting hat!!!