Friday, August 14, 2009

My better half...

Last Saturday I ran my half marathon. I missed my projected time by 7 minutes, but I felt great for finishing. Celebrate with me, I am practically a runner.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A little bitter, a little sweet

It is hard to put into words what it is like to hand your little child off to the big world of public education, but I did it again yesterday. Sigh, life keeps on going at mach speed. Next week, Mimi meets her teacher, then starts preschool the following week. I see driving, college, marriage and children for them looming on the horizon. Strangely enough, I still see myself as 15, if only I had the energy and the abs that I did back then...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

So Sew

I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned that I own a sewing machine, but I do. A fantastic little Bernina that I bought at a garage sale for $35.00. Yes, you read that right. But I don't do much sewing, nothing blog-worthy anyway. I tend to mend things that are falling apart, whip up the occasional tag-blanket for a new baby, head-bands for my head, and a pair of towel pants for B's swimming last winter. But really, I have no real skills, and until now, why even bother trying to improve them when my mother-in-law has mad skills and can help me with anything that I need? Miss Mimi is going to be starting preschool in a few weeks (eeks, I can't believe it!). A girl that loves to dress in beautiful dresses and skirts but can't resist the siren call of a somersault must have some spanky panties to go along with her. So, or should I say 'sew', I've been rummaging around and have determined that there is no such thing as a modest-type of undergarment for a little girl who is out of diapers. I am determined to make my own. Exciting, yes? Today I began Operation Spanky Panties, in which I waged full assault against the dungeon of my laundry room, where there is a very handy shelf/table unit built right in. So far, it has been covered in crap from every station of life, but no more! I cleaned it all out, and got it ready for sewing. Tomorrow, I order my pattern, and perhaps look into buying some nice cotton fabrics and sewing supplies. No child of mine will be showing her Dora undies to the world outside this door, no sir! I can't wait to get started.
Here is the sewing area in all its glory (including the sewing machine up on the second shelf), now all I need is a nice little stool to reach the table and I'll be in business. It still looks a little dull and uninteresting down there, but I plan to paint it as soon as I have some time. Also, for some reason, the perspective in this photo makes it look like there is no room under the table, but there is plenty. Weird. Notice the bin of knitting stuff down on the floor? Yeah, it is lonely and needs my attention too.

I almost forgot to mention that I am running a half-marathon on Saturday, with one of my dearest friends of all time. We are doing the Georgetown to Idaho Springs 1/2 and I am a wee bit nervous, but should probably be more so. I am a little concerned that my shoes have given up the ghost, and there is no money in the running budget for a new pair, nor would I want my first run in a new pair to be that long. So, wish me luck that I will be able to walk, come Saturday around 10:25 am (my projected finish time, if all goes well). Till next time.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Tweaking toward perfection

Ok, I've been playing around a little with background and font color on this here blog. I think things are looking pretty good, official even. We'll see if my new look will inspire some new knitting. Let me know if the font is easier to read now, and don't forget to feed the fish when you stop in!

Here is a lovely flower for what troubles you. Even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these. (Although this is a Colorado Columbine, not a lilly of the field, but still.)