Wednesday, May 13, 2009

How depressing...or not.

Despite the lack of sepia tones, barefoot children in overalls and lots of dust, we are surely in a recession of depressing proportions (at least that is what the brains on TV keep telling me). So it got me to wondering what good things could possibly come from this situation, I have been challenging myself to come up with a list. Maybe you can add to it and together we can spread a little sunshine, so with out further ado, here is my list of depression inspired happiness.

1. The return of the commercial jingle. I have noticed that there are several radio jingles out and I've seen ads for jingle contests. It looks like industry is actually trying some new techniques to get us to buy up products, it is a nice change from the old "you have money, we want it, buh-bye"

2. Acrylic yarn may make a major comeback and we can all get over our yarn-snobbery and embrace the .99 cent barrel at Hobby-Lobby. Red heart rusts and oranges ponchos that squeak when they get wet will be the new rage! I'm so excited, I can't wait till it rains. (just an aside here, but I never knew that there was no cent key on my keyboard till about thirty seconds ago. )

3. Five dollar foot longs. 'nuf said

4. This isn't technically a piece of sunshine, but I do smirk each time I hear one of these...Angry bank commercials. The president of some small time bank insists that they are not taking bail out money and that they never will. I'll go ahead and take your bail-out money guys. Seriously.

5. I get to challenge my family to eat and enjoy on the cheap. We're pretty cheap anyway, but I feel like a super-star when I can make a meal for a few cents (blast, I need that cent key)and they will actually eat in and like it. Beans and rice: makin' a comeback!

6. Parks are free, the backyard is free. Free is good.

7. Mimi and I spend a lot of time window shopping, which has been a lot of fun. This will probably go away as soon school lets out and we don't have to hang out so much, but still. The best window shopping is at places like Big Lots and Tuesday Morning. They have so much cool stuff and it is different all the time, and if you need to buy something, it is usually a few dollars. Plus, window-shopping is a lot like real shopping, I find it to be almost as satisfying.

8. Network TV, but especially PBS. We've been enjoying this perk for almost three years now, but I thought I'd add it in, because it just keeps giving.

9. (Juan's) Craigslist. We love to sell junk that we don't want and there is always someone looking for new junk at slashed prices. Garage-sales and thrift stores don't get added, even though I love these too, they've always been around.

Ok, now its your turn. Ready, set, go.


Eri Stanton said...

1) Coupon clipping is fun (for me, at least) and you get to save money, too. What a bonus. Even better, coupons are available online as well - print and use or just a find a coupon code by doing a search to save you some $.

2) Running to the sprinkler in your backyard is almost as fun as going to a waterpark.

Hopper Juan said...

Bartering. I know a guy who manages a resturant who will give me free food and money for flies!

I also know of a guy who will trade fly fishing gear for flies. That helps save money that might be spent on the latest must have gear.

shamaree said...

smart, smart, smart. I also realized how much I love reusing things that were going to be thrown out, like the entertainment center that I made into a book shelf. I just flipped it on its side, took off doors and got rid of the drawer, and voilĂ !