Friday, January 9, 2009

what of the future? shall we look to the past?

I have been off scene more than on in 2008, and when I started this blog almost two years ago (collective gasp ensues), I fully intended it to be a writing and knitting much has been happening lately? None. Neither, unless I count facebook as writing, which I don't. But, I did post my resolutions on facebook, and one of them happened to be that I planned to blog more. I didn't really add knitting as one of my resolutions, because I really haven't had the desire to knit much, since I made a bunch of micro-mitts for Christmas presents this year, my fingers are still a little cramped. So the question becomes: do I continue to present this as a knitting blog, or just a blog of randomness and a few pictures thrown, in to appease the granny, or do I even continue this blog at all? Can I answer you later? Maybe after the wool-muse returns, or after I get my nose out of facebook and back into a reasonably constructive past time? I know in my heart that the answer is probably the second. That seems to be all I can promise. And since this so-called knitting blog is lacking anything knitterly today, I will admit that it may be a while before it becomes one again. I never even got started on the laughing carrots cardigan that I agonized over all those weeks (or months) ago. Let me say that I have noticed a trend in all blogs, at least the ones that I have kept up with over the years, and it seems that I am not the only one suffering from writer's/knitter's block. Some of the very regular bloggers have simply stopped posting. I know it is a thin excuse, but I am not the only one, which gives me some kind of comfort. I also noticed that there is a general lack of comment on much of anything about blogging these days. Are the winds of change a'blowing? I hope not. I do love reading other blogs, and at one time, it was a simple joy for me to sit down and post an entry. Maybe I just need to find my joy (nod to Lucinda). I'll be looking for it, in the past, and today.


Eri Stanton said...

So glad to see you blogging again. I vote for you to just blog about some random happenings in life & posting pictures of your kids. I love seeing photos of your sweet kids!

Anonymous said...

Hey...I check this every day it seems like, where'd you go Sunshine.