Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Run Forest, Run!

Well, my 5k was a lot of fun, so much fun that I am going to run another one on the 18th. I don't know my place, but I am pretty sure that I wasn't last, I am also sure that I wasn't first. I know for a fact that a lady with a huge toddler in a jogging stroller, the kid in unlaced skateboarding shoes AND a firefighter wearing all his gear, including his air tank, beat me. My goal was to run more than I walked, and I did. I guess we probably ran at least two miles, or a little more. My time was 36 minutes. Not bad for a chick who had reconstructive knee surgery less than nine months ago. I didn't run this huge, long, neverending hill, seeing how I haven't ran a hill since last summer, but I am planning on remedying that this week.

Here are some pictures of the last few seconds of the race. Unless you are an olympic runner, I am not sure that it is good to see yourself running, at least in still photos. I had this mental image of myself looking tall and powerful with arms at my sides, pumping away. I didn't realize how poor my running posture is, until I saw these pictures. It is a little disappointing to know that I look like I am in severe pain, which I was at that point, but still. No one wants to have their idealic image shattered. Maybe next time, I'll have J take pictures at the starting line, to see if I look less on the verge of collapse. In the meantime, I am going to focus on staying more upright in the future.

The kids ran the kids 300 meter race, which was fun to see. Jack loves running, but I don't think he likes being passed. He is still talking about it, he wants to run again. Mimi came in dead last, but she was smiling and running the whole way. It was so cute, unfortunatly, you'll never see any pictures of that, since we didn't take any. B was conserving energy (which I told him to do) until it was too late to catch up, but he still ran it in a little over a minute, and thinks he came in fifth or sixth. All in all, we are all hoping to improve the next time around, but we had a great time.


Eri Stanton said...

Wow, Shamaree. I could NOT run 5K, so I am very impressed. Congratulations for completing it! Now should you start training for a marathon?? ;-)

shamaree said...

I think not, maybe a 10k next time around!