Monday, August 20, 2007

no clever title.

I envy the knitting blogger who actually makes an attempt to knit. I haven't been doing much of that lately. My angels rest socks are languishing on the needles for the second month in a row. The raffle socks weren't finished in time for the raffle and they have been cast aside only 55% done. Nothing in the queue has even been cast on or looked over or thought about since the weather turned so beastly hot that I can hardly move, let alone knit. I haven;t even blogged about knitting in over a month. Then...then, I went down to Holly Berry house and picked up a pair of turbo-knits to try enticing the sleeping knitter out of me. Nothing will wake a sleeping monster like the promise knitting at mock speed on the turbo knits. I love all my turbo knits, and I wanted a pair to make baby hats. So I bought them for the greater good, otherwise, I will not get my knitting mojo back until first snow. I also pulled out the Itty Bitty Hats book. I cast on for the upside down daisy hat because I have a friend who has a little girl due in September. So, that is what I am doing, knitting. And it is good.

I also read a book. I forgot to sing the glories of HP7 over a month ago, when I walked right into Sam's and bought it with out any ado. I thought there would be fist fighting and name calling, but no, I just picked it up off a stack that was larger than a small Zigarat and brought it home and read the whole book in about a day and a half. It was good, no, great. She is an amazing storyteller, and you either love her or you could care less. You know where I stand. But the book I just finished is Life of Pi. Uhhh, this book is haunting me. The author claims that it will make you believe in God. Well, I already do believe in God, what it made me more willing to believe in is vegetarianism. It was a great story though, and even though I already picked up another book (a lighter affair by one of those British authors that everyone loves), I can't get Life of Pi out of my head....
We went to a company picnic the other day and everyone had enormous fun. The kids really loved the rides and especially the miniature golf. I enjoyed spending the day out of my house and not having to pay for all the fun that was being had. Here a few parting shots to keep the grandmother happy! Happy Monday.
outlaw mimi
B in the "race" car

Bumper boats
The little tiny train
B, Jack and I on the scrambler. ( you can't see jack, but he is squished in between B and I and he loved every second of it.)

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