Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Some fall pondering

It has been a while, but things have been moving along quite quickly. First, I have a new nephew who was born in late August. Sweet babies deserve something special, so I made him some little fruit and veggie rattles from JimmyBeans Wool. It is a free pattern, super easy with very impressive results. Unfortunately, like happens so often, I have no photographic evidence of said knitting. I worked right up till the moment of delivery (of gifts, not baby) and then handed them off with out so much as a snap-shot for my blog. Ugh. But you can go check out the website, knit a few of your own and see what you're missing out on. I also made a little monster pillow thing, which was really cute, and which also has no picture. I don't even have a website to point you to, because it was designed by my friend and I, just for fun, just for the new addition. If I ever make another, I will be sure to get pictures, but imagine googly eyes, silly teeth, green ribbon toes and a big red pocket to stash a baby sized necessity...maybe a pacifier? Maybe a fruit or veggie rattle for the road? I don't know what babies need to bring along anymore, since I am far from that stage, so your guess is as good as mine.

In other knitting and crafting news, I started back to my Tess shawl in earnest. I am about half way done, and with this crazy weather, it may be getting some good wear before the end of the month. We have had snow, wind, covered peaks, winter wonderland type weather these past few days. Nothing like the wonderful fall weather that I remember from days of yore. This new skip spring and autumn is really messing with me. I prefer to see my seasons changing, that way I know where I'm heading.

Not much else has been knit or sewn (after all the Spanky-Panty excitement, I know you were expecting more...) But now that holding wool seems like a good idea again, I hope to actually get something off the needles in the near future. And in the meantime, enjoy some fall-like photos to remind you of what it was supposed to look like. (Except for Buddy wearing the cone of shame, that is, that is just to make me happy.)