Wednesday, August 13, 2008

so long summer vacation

It is a bad sign when two of your three children ask you if the picture in the scary woman post is actually you...for the record, no, that is not me, in case you were wondering too.

Knitting news is spotty at best, I have another knitted bunny off the needles, and I am working away on a second sock for my spinning shoes. It is great fun to knit short socks, because you basically do only the fun parts that make sock knitting so satisfying. Ribbing, heel flap, turn and reducing. I may actually forgo legs on all my socks from now on, just because they are so much more interesting, not to mention, less time consuming. I can probably knit a pair in less than two days, if I actually put the time in.
School is starting tomorrow for B, the fifth-grader. We shopped for supplies last night, which is crazy expensive, and I hate getting all the junk back at the end of the school year. I get notebooks that have hardly been used, all the folders jam packed full of papers, and lots of sharpened-to-the-nub pencils. What is a mother supposed to do with all that stuff? Is it wrong to throw it all away? I mean, seriously, I have maybe three or four things that I made as a child, and that pleases me. I would have to get a separate storage unit to house all this stuff that comes home, times three...I usually throw it out the night before school starts in the fall, having had the best intentions of going through it all all summer long, but never quite getting around to it. So, that is on the agenda tonight, right after the ice-cream social.

As for me, I've been staying up every night watching the Olympics. It is quite addicting, but also incredibly stressful. I hardly breath during the gymnastics routines, the swimming finds me on the edge of my seat with stomach cramps and my hands clenched in fists. I couldn't figure out why I was so sore and exhausted for the past few days, then I realized that I was a bundle of nerves due to the Olympics. It is a good thing that it only happens every two years. I would probably have bleeding ulcers and insomnia. I guess it is fair to say I internalize everything. I was depressed all day today on account of the women's gymnastics flub last night. I don't think it is really fair to call it a flub, silver is nothing to sneeze at, but still, they had such high hopes and I am as crushed for them as they are.
Here are a few pictures of our summer fun that is about to come to an end. Enjoy.

Friday, August 1, 2008

scary woman syndrome

Today is the kind of day where I need to be left alone, on a deserted island with about 60 pounds of chocolate, an endless supply of Lay's potato chips and lots of cold beer...