Saturday, December 15, 2007

I'm Baaaaack

The good news: After eight long weeks I am back in the land of the walking and am finally able to make it up and down the stairs. This means that I can actually update my blog, yay! The bad news is that I am blog-blocked. I feel like there is so much to say and it has overwhelmed me into a block. In all actuality, I could have updated last week when I got my brace off and was able to get around with little incident, but I just don't know where to start...

I suppose good place would be to give you a piece of advice: never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever break your knee cap. It is painful and for such a small bone, it causes a lot of problems. So, avoid making bad bets at the horse track, mixing with mobsters and ice-skating. Just don't do it. But, if you must, please make sure you can knit, because I am sure that I would have been in some kind of boredom-induced stupor by now if I hadn't had knitting to occupy my mind and hands. I literally spent five weeks completely off my feet and the first two weeks, I was too doped up to do much besides watch tv and knit. Seriously, God bless the bedridden who can't knit. I really feel for them. But also, God bless the genius who first spun wool and then used what ever was laying around to knit it. They were probably on bed rest or something. Ok, so the scoop on the knee is this, my knee cap broke into three pieces, I obviously won't be running for a while, I will have to have the pins and wires out at some point in the near future, I am doing physical therapy twice a week for an indefinite period of time, I have a five inch scar down my knee, I spend a large part of my day exercising the muscles and tendons in my legs because there was a lot of atrophy from not bending my knee for six weeks, (except for the cpm machine that I used for six hours a day for about four and a half weeks). That is pretty much it. I could show you pictures of my scar, but I don't want to gross anyone out. Mainly, my knees aren't very pretty anyway, but the scar is ugly too.

Ok, enough of that. Onto the knitting. There is so much to tell you, and show you. But I might drag it out out over several posts just so that I know I'll have something to talk about. For now, lets just say that I can knit lace and mittens and finish up things that have been left undone for a long time.
Here is a hodge-podge of some of what I've been working on. I know it doesn't look like a lot but don't be deceived, the stole from Charmed Knits is about nine feet long. And I've been working on those green angel's rest socks for about eight months. Those are the would be raffle socks which are now the super lucky Friday spelling test socks for B. The hat is mine, I made it for me and it fits and I love it. Better pictures to come, I promise!

These are my first mittens. I used the house mitten pattern from charmed knits, (who knew that that book would be so handy??) and then I used the Subway Knitter's Amazing Charlie Card Mittens as an inspiration for the pocket. But, being from Colorado, we don't have much use for Charlie cards, so I made it into a lego transport system. See the "button" that I used? I simply harvested the head off of some lego dude who has been hanging around the house for a while. The picture is blurry, but it turned out so cute. I wish that I was the brains behind such a great idea, but all the credit goes to Colleen over at Genius, I tell you.And here is B showing off his lego transport mittens. He really did like them, despite being a little unwilling to pose for the blog.

There are more things to show and tell you about, but right now, I am in the middle of getting ready to leave for a trip to Durango to see my grandfather who had a massive heart attack a few days ago. I will be there through Christmas because I would like to spend as much time with him as possible and since the kids are on break, why not?

So, merry Christmas to you, whoever you are! I will post lots of exciting things when I get back to town, now that I can move around whenever I feel like it!